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What is anaerobic digestion? 

How It Works and Why It Matters

What is anaerobic digestion? 

Food waste is a huge problem for our world — though, it has a pretty simple solution. 

By using the biological process of anaerobic digestion, we collect your company’s excess food and turn it into:

  • Renewable biogas energy to power homes and businesses 
  • Valuable fertiliser for the production of more food 
  • Biofuel to power our fleet of vehicles 

So, how does this waste-to-energy process work? Let’s explain it in easy terms. 

Anaerobic digestion is a biological process whereby microorganisms break down organic waste without the need for oxygen. It is both a method of waste disposal and also a way of producing clean energy, such as biogas, and bio fertiliser. This process usually takes place in a sealed tank or container. 

How does anaerobic digestion work? 

Organic waste is first put into sealed and temperature-controlled containers, also called digesters. This waste can be food, manure or other biosolids. 

Microorganisms, such as bacteria, are present in these tanks and they digest and break down the waste without the need for oxygen. 

From this process, biogas and digestate residue are produced. The biogas, mainly composed of methane, is captured and used to generate power rather than being released into the atmosphere. It is also carbon neutral. The digestate is used as a fertiliser for farms to grow more food. 

How we use anaerobic digestion to recycle your food

Here at Bio Collectors, we use the anaerobic digestion process to recycle your food waste. This produces biogas for the National Grid, powering homes and businesses across the UK — and that’s all thanks to your food. 

So what does our process look like? 

  • Collection: First, your food waste is picked up by our specialist vehicles that are all, you guessed it, powered by biofuel. 
  • Packaging removed: Before the digestion can begin, all packaging and contaminants must be removed. 
  • Anaerobic digestion: At our state-of-the-art anaerobic digestion facility, the food is put into tanks where it is broken down by microorganisms. 
  • Biogas extracted: After three days have passed, enough biogas has been produced to now be extracted and pumped into the National Grid as a sustainable energy source. 
  • Fertiliser collected: Nothing goes to waste! Even the leftovers have a use, with the remaining material being collected and used as a rich fertiliser for farms. 

We provide this food recycling service to companies across London and within the M25 region — will your business be next? 

Bio Collectors is a food waste collection company with a difference. We take excess food off your hands, using closed-loop recycling to power homes, businesses and our very own fleet of vehicles. It’s easy to dispose of your food waste in a sustainable way.

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